Contact Me

Anything that crosses your mind and you want to share, why not contact me? I enjoy meeting, talking and sharing recipes with new people especially Juicy Chicken lovers. Just use the form below for contact.

Fill out the form and I will get back to you in a jiffy or as soon as possible(preferably within 24 hours).

You will be asked to type a word seen in a graphic; this is not juicy chicken recipe's way of a game, it serves only to protect your e-mail address as well as mine, from spams.

This link gives you direct information about - Who I am.

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Juicy Chicken Twitter Twitter is a fun way to stay up to date with all your Twitter friends! This is my special account just for Juicy Chicken. Cooking any Juicy Chicken or have a question? Click on the "blue birdie," follow me on Twitter, and say hello!

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